

Face Slimming Part 2

Wanna have slimmer , V-shape face and look like a doll ?
You may first think about some creams that can help out for this problem .
But the clever Asians created different options than creams !
Some of them look so funny ~Let's Check them out.

1. Face Roller Massager

This is a roller massager that target both the face and neck. The purpose is to exercise your face muscle and promotes blood circulation. In result , removes double chin, helps to slimming down your face.
2.Vibrating Massager 

A vibrating massager is a device that has the same principle  as the roller- firming sagging skin by massaging but with vibration movement, not rollling. It has different heads - for face and for body.
3. Face Sauna Mask

All in 1: skin care, skin firm, face-lift, face slim, anti sagging, etc.
Prevent loose skin, sagging cheeks and protruding checkbone.
It can smooth out wrinkles and eliminate double chins.
Keep young and face slim while wearing this at night.
Can lift your face, cheek right from the scalp.
Giving you a young wrinkle free facial and prevent them from sagging.

4. Face Sticker

This product uses a special tape of scalability affixed to the face to tighten the loose skin and muscles, so as to achieve amazing cosmetic effect.
Used by the tape could produce four times more than the all-round stretching effect, while facial skin without any stimulation
 Recommended frequency of use of this product 2 days one-time use

5. Slim Mouth Piece

Once you stick this in your mouth, the spring inside will force your mouth open - by using the muscles on the side of your face to close the device, your muscles are supposed to strengthen giving you a smaller tight face over time.


  1. ohhh the mask and the mouth thing are looking really scary =o

  2. yes. if we dont know the mask's purpose , can think it is sth used in the movie JAWS for some of the disgusting tortures :D

  3. I saw my mum have the vibrating massager thing,
    but I am worrying that if vibrate massage the face too often, problly could produce lines... maybe get obvious lines on face...

  4. i think vibration would do the opposite . reduce the lines . it is like practice for the face muscles .

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Face Roller Massager среща ли се из българските магазини?

  7. nz ... ne sam sre6tnala do sega .. poneje Face Slimming'a ne e tolkova popularen v BG , kolkoto solariumite [koito ne sa popularni v Asia]:D

  8. on where i can get those...?

    1. try find them online [ in ebay ] ~ =} or if ur country has china shops , look there too =}
